Curriculum -- Approaches & Choices
There are many different ways to learn at home, different philosophies about learning, different approaches. Some choose to use a full curriculum, some choose to use some curriculum along with other resources and activities, some choose not to use curriculum at all and may be moving toward unschooling.
The choice is yours. There is no requirement that you use curriculum or follow a standard list of school subjects. You may decide you want to but it’s up to you.
That’s part of the reason deschooling takes a while. The choices can be overwhelming. But you don’t have to rush into deciding about anything just yet.
Deschool (see info here: Florida Unschoolers - Deschooling).
Explore some of the curriculum choices (see info here: Cathy Duffy Homeschool Curriculum Reviews ( and here: Florida Unschoolers - FLVS Flex or Khan Academy | Free Online Courses, Lessons & Practice or any number of other online and other choices).
Research some of the different philosophies and approaches to learning. There’s every variety of opinion out there. Take your time to see where you feel comfortable.
Enjoy. :)