Florida Unschoolers is a private umbrella school focused on independent home education, serving unschoolers and other home educators in Florida since 2001. It is private school enrollment for attendance purposes while you support your child's learning at home.

If you are ready to enroll your child with Florida Unschoolers, see the Quick Start section of the menu on this page. You will find the enrollment information and a few other important pages to get you started.

If you are researching your options, start with the Deeper Dive section of the menu. You will find a lot of information about the very important transition stage, deschooling, and links to other posts to help you decide what is right for your family. 

There is also a Resources section on the menu with links to things you may find useful. 

Enjoy! :) 

See the listing at the Florida Department of Education website in the Directory of Private Schools -- #3463 under Martin County. 

Florida Unschoolers encourages and supports the beautiful diversity found within the home learning community.